
Monday 21 August 2017

Annapurna Circuit Trekking – Important Tips

Nepal is nicknamed as “the ceiling of the world” and rightly so. It boasts eight of the globe’s 10 tallest mountains & 100 mountains more than 7200 meters.

Mount Everest 

The 2 most renowned treks are the Mt Everest Base Camp trek (at 5,380m) and the Annapurna trek to the climax point of ‘Thorung La Pass’ at 5,416 meters. We hiked the Annapurna Circuit to the climax point of Thorong La Pass at 17,769ft – an experience which will live in our hearts always.

Listed below are a few tips or advices from our side if you are planning Annapurna Circuit trek in the country of Nepal.

Annapurna Circuit Trek 

Hire a professional guide:

We appointed a professional guide for your trek and like to recommend you so. A knowledgeable guide will know the routes inside out, know the most dependable tea houses for accommodation & will always try to avail you the best service everywhere. He will also be able to assist you with altitude sickness & motivate you throughout the trek.

Hire a porter:

You must rent a porter to carry your stuff along the trek. It is worth inquiring your travel firm if they treat their porters well & what’s the utmost load they make them transport. you’ll quickly get familiar to witnessing this throughout your trek.

What should pack for your Annapurna Circuit Trek?

Sleeping bags and down jackets are the two most important things you must carry while opting for Annapurna Circuit trek. Apart from these, you’d also like to consider carrying adequate cash, a good backpack, sturdy trekking shoes, sunglasses, two pair of shorts which can be used as zip trousers, one light long sleeved top, general outfits like underwear and t-shirts, rain coat, quick drying towel, head torch with extra batteries, swiss army knife, camera with extra battery & charger, sun hat, thermal under layers, toiletries, toilet paper, mosquito repellents, swimming costumes, lib balm, water purification tablets, walking sticks, etc.

Annapurna Base Camp trek 

Permits for Annapurna Circuit Trek:

You require 2 sorts of permits – the ACAP (Annapurna Conservation Area Permit ) & TIMS ( Trekkers Information Management System) – which will be checked regularly on the route. Get these permits either in Pokhra or Kathmandu before your trek. In Kathmandu, the permit office is nearly 15-20 minutes walking distance of Thamel and in Pokhra it’s close to the tourist bus stop.

Both Annapurna Circuit trek and Annapurna Base Camp treks should be on your bucket list of things to do in Nepal. These two treks are in fact the most explored in Nepal.

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