
Monday 15 May 2017

Know How To Prepare For Your Annapurna Circuit Trek

The Annapurna Circuit is no doubt one of the most renowned treks in the planets; its awe-inspiring exquisiteness will enthrall you from the day one of your trek. It’ll be demanding yet steerable for the average fit individuals.

Accomplishing the Annapurna Circuit Trek can be overwhelming, so proper preparation is very essential. If you have accomplished the Annapurna Base Camp trek, here are a few tips on how to prepare for your Annapurna Circuit trek.

Stay Hydrated: This is the most important thing that you should keep in your mind while trekking the Annapurna Circuit. Your body will dehydrate much faster at such a elevation, so you will require to compensate by consuming adequate water.

Pick the right backpack: 40L – 70L is a good range. Ensure it feature nice and robust hip straps & fits like a glove. It will save a lot of ache during the intense trek.

Bring a cool pair of trekking boots and ensure to break them in: Put your hiking shoes even if it is just walking around Pokhara for a few days. Some people prefer running shoes, but I suggest appropriate trekking shoes with a nice sole. Also, don’t ignore plasters or band-aids in case you experience blisters.

Put on the proper outfit: Clothing options should rely on the time of the year you hike. Ignore cotton clothes because cotton soaks in sweat, gets bulky, and never dries. Don’t overlook a warm hat for nighttime & high elevations.

Get your travel insurance before you trek: This should be a no-brainer. Hiking the Annapurna Circuit is a sober endeavour. You require to do be ready. What if you break your ankle, experience altitude sickness, or fall down from a hill and get seriously injured?! For about $50 USD you can be completely covered for a whole month in Nepal.

Don’t forget your trekking poles: You will descend 3,800 meters the day of the pass – not easy! So, don’t forget your trekking poles which can save your knees from extreme pain while trekking in the hilly mountains.

It is a marathon, not a sprint. So, go slow, take breaks in regular, and don’t compare your speed to other trekkers out there. Acclimating to the low levels of oxygen takes time, so listen to your body!

Bring more than adequate cash! There are not any ATM’s on the Annapurna Circuit trek until you’re over the pass & in Jomson. Plan for between $15-20 USD per day minimum.

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