
Thursday 20 April 2017

Mustang Trek – Get Ready to Explore the Unspoiled Tibetan Culture

Mustang is one of the few places in the Himalayan province that has retained its typical Tibetan culture unspoiled. Mustang (which interprets as “fertile plain”) is the ex Kingdom of Lo & now is a part of Nepal. Majority of the populace of Mustang dwells close to the Kali Gandaki River at approximately 2800 to 3900m above the sea level.

The Kali Gandaki River is the major hydrographic feature of Mustang. The river flows southward towards Nepal Terai, intersecting Mustang. Paths paralleling the river once catered as a premier trading route amid India and Tibet, particularly for salt. Parts of the river gorge in the south of Mustang, forms by some measures the deepest valley in the globe.

Climate In Mustang:

Mustang is mostly dry and & with annual rainfall in the range of 250–400 mm) because of its position in the rain shadow of the Annapurna massif & the Dhaulagiri Range towards the south.

Best season for Mustang Nepal trekking:

From April-November are the most suitable months to hike Upper Mustang. Well, Upper Mustang is a rain-shadow region, hence, you can trek in this region of Nepal even during the monsoon month (mid-June-mid-Sept), whereas during monsoon, Everest base camp, Annapurna base camp, Upper dolpo trekking, and Ghorepani Poon Hill trekking isn’t recommended.

Acute Mountain Sickness:

A good Upper Mustang trek itinerary should be planned keeping AMS (Acute Mountain Sickness) in mind. Moving too fast can cause a medical condition that’s serious enough to take life. The higher the altitude the less oxygen there will be in the air. Crossing tiny passes aren’t that demanding & Upper Mustang hike does not demand additional acclimatization day but slow & steady ascent is essential for bit-by-bit acclimatization process in the thin air. Thus your itinerary should be planned smartly allowing adequate time for steady acclimatization. People with heart or lung disease should consult their doctor prior to taking on the trek. Fever, mild headaches, stomach disorder or loss of appetite are the typical symptoms of AMS.

Upper Mustang Trek takes trekkers through a voyage of barren moonscape of scoured sandstone pillars & intermittent moraine patios. Thousand years old monastery, the city wall & the 4 storey palace in Lomanthang, caves, local tribes & exciting views of mountains such as Nilgiri, Annapurna & Dhawalagiri makes the trip to Upper Mustang more enticing.

Upper Mustang Trek was closed for outsiders till 1991 as the government didn’t wish this area to be influenced by western culture. Nonetheless, after 1991 Upper Mustang Trek has been opened & since then it has made itself as one of the most popular hiking routes in Western Nepal.

Annapurna Circuit Trek! Know When Is The Best Time to Travel

Deciding the ideal time to trek the Annapurna Circuit is certainly an elimination game. You can ignore December through February – exceedingly cold. Eliminate May from the list as it tends to be too hot. And you surely don’t wish to trek during the summer – because it remains too wet. From June to September is the monsoon season, when as much as seventy percent of the annual precipitation takes place. This is also the time when rock fall& landslides are most expected to take place.

That leaves 2 times when Annapurna Circuit trek is best: from October to November & mid-March to mid-April.

How long is the Annapurna circuit trek?

Annapurna located in the North central of Nepal is the 10th highest mountain in the globe, it is massif – the tallest point of the 34 mile long range reaches an elevation of 24,545ft, about 3000ft below Mount Everest.

Since the Annapurna massif is measured as the most risky to trek of all the 8,000m summits, a lot of travelers are just happy to stroll around it. Every year approximately 115,000 people tour the province & a lot of them do accomplish the 100 to145 mile long Annapurna trek. (the hike distance differs, relying on how far you at first go through truck or van.)

Weather advice for Annapurna circuit trekking:

Though tourists hike the province throughout the year, we suggest ignoring the heavy rain of the monsoon month that make the route muddy and slick and make rivers to rise. In monsoon season, flight maybe canceled, sights are often concealed by dense clouds, and leeches appear in full force.

Annapurna Circuit trekking in the fall & early spring does not assure clear blue sky & comfortable temperature. Even during the best time, the climate in Annapurna province may alter as you arrive at higher altitudes.

Keep in mind that these are the majestic Himalayas! On absolutely clear sky day, an unexpected storm can appear from the Bay of Bengal & drop up to more than 36 hours of snow on the trail. These dense snows at higher altitude can cause serious risk to those not familiar with the trail, lacking the appropriate gear or hiking without an experienced local trek guide who understand the trail & the weather patterns as well.

Be it Annapurna circuit trek, Annapurna Base Camp trek or the Everest Base Camp trek, Nepal is always going to be a fascinating destination for the trekkers.