
Monday 16 January 2017

Mustang Valley Trek and Ghorepani Poon Hill Trek Give Exhilarating Experience

Mountain trekking in Nepal is relatively strenuous and worthwhile adventure, which one could experience in one’s life. If you are looking to get an unforgettable and exhilarating experience, you should make plans to enjoy trek in Nepal. A prime reason for this is that the country and its citizens feel proud for the Mount Everest, which is the highest snow mountain peak across the world.

Excluding this, Nepal provides with countless excursions, which you may call for short and easy walks up the forest and mountain trains or highly demanding yet thorny adventure, along with majestic and complicated hills. In this article, experienced travelers have attempted to highlight about few of the common mountains provide trekking in Nepal for tourists.

Trek to Mustang Valley

Mustang valley trek is a famous trekking route that physically forms a part of the entire Annapurna region. In addition, it includes culture and lifestyle of Tibet in combination with that of Nepal. Trekkers choose to set their feet on the valley would capture various nostalgic moments related to early Tibet.

Moreover, Upper Mustang trek lets you to view the hidden world of traditional Buddhist kingdom in Mustang. It is the least known but mysterious kingdom prosperous with many vistas, which include eye-catching and unusual views of Himalayan mountains covered with snow, deep canyons, barren lands at high plateaus and ocean comprises of exposed hills as well as desert sunset.

Furthermore, during the entire trek, you will be able to find countless old caves, monasteries, tribes of local area and many scenic beauties of various landscapes, all of which form prime attractions of the entire trek.

Trek to Ghorepani Poon Hill

Ghoretpani Poon Hill trek involves a hike of about 4 and 5 days in the mountain range of Annapurna in Nepal. It requires moderate fitness for completion of the journey, while trekkers have to cross the highest possible elevation equal to 3210 meters. In this way, the trek suits perfectly for even those people often deal with the problem of altitude sickness.

Along with the mountain and scenic views, experienced travelers said that one can also reach at Pokhara, the closest possible main access city to start with the trekking in Annapurna range. If this is not enough, trek to Ghorepani Poon Hill gives opportunity to travelers for witnessing many warm villages, terraced slopes, excellent paddy fields and lifestyle of various ethnic peoples, including Magars and Gurungs.

Overview on Annapurna and Everest Base Camp Trek Opportunities in Nepal

Nepal is one of the unique destinations across the world. It acts as the home for the highest peak of the world i.e. Mount Everest at the height of 8848 meters with eight other mountains among the total 14 snow-capped mountain peaks of more than 8000meters worldwide. Every year, more than thousands of trekkers make their journey to Nepal for tour and trek adventures.

It incorporates natural diversity in the form of Himalayan vistas, panoramic landscapes, cultural variations, fast flowing rivers and various historical monuments indicating ancient significance. In addition, Nepal is the birthplace of famous Lord Gautam Buddha i.e. a peaceful land. Indeed, the local area citizens have sole belief in hospitality and good treatment towards guests. Here, experts want to discuss about few common treks usually chosen by individuals after they visit to Nepal.

Annapurna Base Camp Trek

Annapurna Base Camp Trek is in foothills of the famous mountain range of Annapurna that has an altitude equal to 4130 meters. Journey for this trek starts with reaching at Pokhata city. During the entire trip, you will be able to get excellent views of Machhapuchhure, Annapurna range, Hiunchuli, Dhaulagiri, Gangapurna and various other mountain peaks covered with snow. The trek would also give opportunity to be the part of many other famous trails and treks belonging to the region, like Ghorepani, Sanctuary, Jomsom Muktinath and Poornhill and lots more.

Annapurna Circuit Trek

Along with ABC trek, trekking companies and professionals may go for round travel to Annapurna Circuit Trek, known as the popular and courageous trek package. Circuit trekking requires usually 20 days journey that starts from Besishar, while ends in round way at Pokhara. The trek lets you to make journey from Manang and the most challenging Thorongla pass of about 5416 meters. Furthermore, the trek allows you to visit the religious pilgrimage center named Muktinath and Marpha, along with the medieval valley named Kagbeni.

Everest Base Camp Trek

Everest Base Camp Trek is the most famous trekking peak countrywide that takes individuals to get panoramic views of the great Sagarmatha or Mount Everest located at the height equal to 8848 meters from the level of sea. During the trek, you will be able to pass through Everest National Park and get chances to view many rare animals and birds. For reaching to Kalapattar and Everest base camp, you have to travel for seven to eight days from many traditional villages and nearby trading routes.